Archive for September 2020

[Kemiyama Keoko] Kawoshin Web-Only Event Manga [ENGLISH (FUSHIGI)]

Artists: Kemiyama Keoko
Parody: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Pairing: Kaworu x Shinji (Kawoshin)

I felt bad for not posting for a long while, and these short stories just came out today for the event Kemiyama held for Kaworu's birthday, so I rushed this out. Nothing NSFW this time, but I'm hoping to purchase her more notable work at some point. It's still his birthday in Japan for another hour, so happy birthday Kaworu lol
I'm in the middle of another dj translation right now, but it will take some time again. I'm very excited about this one but you guys might not be depending on your tastes ^^;. Regardless, I'll be back when I can!

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